Biographical information
› 2023: Licensed Specialist Attorney
(Fachanwalt) for Migration Law
› 2020 - 2024: Research assistant at the
University of Leipzig (Chair of Prof. Dr.
Mattias Wendel)
› 2018: Admitted to the bar
› 2017-2018: Research assistant at the
German Bar Association (Deutscher
Anwaltverein) in the area of human rights,
international affairs and migration law
› 2015-2017: Legal traineeship (Rechts-
referendariat) at the Regional Court of
Leipzig with migration law stages in Berlin and
at European Lawyers in Lesvos in Greece
› 2008-2014: Law studies in Freiburg and
Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Activities› Lecturer at the Refugee Law Clinic Leipzig
› Supervision of the independent asylum
procedure counseling of the Internationaler
Bund (IB), IB Mitte gGmbH für Bildung und
soziale Dienste, JMD Leipzig
› Supervision of the independent asylum
procedure counseling of AWO SPI Soziale
Stadt und Land Entwicklungsgesellschaft
mbH, Migrant Counseling Center, Halle
Publications› Judicial fact-finding in cases of illness in
asylum and residence law: Plea for a
constitutional interpretation of § 60 a IIc
AufenthG, Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht
und Ausländerpolitik (ZAR), 2023, 240
› Expulsion in the event of a threat to public
security, together with Prof. Dr. Mattias
Wendel and Prof. Dr. Uwe-Dietmar Berlit,
Sächsische Verwaltungsblätter (SächsVBl.) -
Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht und öffent-
liche Verwaltung, 05/2023, special